Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Introduction to eXperiential Robotics Platform, XRP

This program will introduce key XRP (robot) programming concepts. Students will be divided into teams of 3-4 students. During the first half of the day, students learn how to program an XRP robot. Each team will then use what they learn and participate in a friendly competition using a program that as a team they develop.

Python Programming Language

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of structured programming and to the procedural aspects of the Python programming language. Students will create programs to demonstrate the topics of program control, functions, strings, arrays, and file I/O. An appropriate IDE  (Integrated Development Environment) will be used as the primary development tools. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of platform-independent applications in order to allow students to become familiar with the core features of the Python programming language.

Java Programming Language

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of structured programming and to the procedural aspects of the Java programming language. Students will create programs to demonstrate the topics of program control, functions, strings, arrays, and file I/O. An appropriate IDE  (Integrated Development Environment) will be used as the primary development tools. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of platform-independent applications in order to allow students to become familiar with the core features of the Java programming language.

Introduction to Alice Programming

This 3-hour “Introduction to Alice” course will introduce key programming concepts using the 3-D animation program Alice from Carnegie Mellon University. In Alice, 3-D objects (e.g., people, animals, and vehicles) populate a virtual world and students learn how to create a program to animate the objects.

Introduction to Android App Development

In this 3-hour course you learn how to develop an Android App using MIT App Inventor. After you develop your app, you can run/test it on an Android device if you have one or you can run/test your app on your computer. MIT App Inventor is a fun way of developing an App without learning a particular programming language.

Introduction to Python Programming

This 3-hour introductory course introduces students to the Python programming language which is one of the high-level programming languages. In this course, students will learn the difference between an interpreter and a compiler. They will also learn how to use fundamentals of Input, Processing, and Output (IPO): including variables and data types to write their first simple programs that are written as sequence structures. In addition, they will be introduced to “Decision Structures and Boolean Logic”: including relational operators, Boolean expressions, and if, if-else statements.
Time permitting, students will be exposed to creating repetition structures using the while loop and for loop and how to write and call a simple void function.